Dariyal Road, Kanakpur (Khai Khera), Kashipur, Udham Singh Nagar
05947 276554, 9690373679, 7017956088

About Us

About Bharat College of Pharamacy

Bharat College of Pharmacy, a new Institution, which will offer Diploma in Pharmacy an undergraduate Diploma Course in the medical field of Pharmacy. Since Bharat College of Pharmacy is situated near Kashipur area which is approx 50 km. apart from Rudrapur SIDCUL. After Uttarakhand came into existence and Udham Singh Nagar was declared as District many Industries were set up and a separate SIDCUL ( State Infrastructure and Industrial Development Corporation of Uttaranchal ) came into existence over the area of about 4000 acres of land constituting about 421 companies including Pharmaceutical and heavy companies.

Bharat College of Pharmacy will fulfill the present and future demands of the Kashipur as well as nearby areas of Kumaun Region having many Senior Secondary Schools and will provide education to the youth and will nourish the region with the right and joyful manner.

Address: Dariyal Road, Khai Khera, Kashipur, Udham Singh Nagar